Clash Of Clans - Clash of Clans is an epic combat strategy game. In this game you build a village by collecting money and elixer. The game has the ability to play online, however, my son uses it himself and does not join with others players.
Hay Day - You start by building a farm. You then raise your animals and buy and sell the products you need to run a farm!
Minecraft - I honestly have no idea what this game is even about, when I asked my son he replied by saying "I don't really know how to explain it mom!" When you read the reviews it says Minecraft is about placing blocks to build things and going on adventures. hmmmm..... still leaves me wondering! So when I googled it, the response I got was "Minecraft is a sandbox game which allows players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D world. At night monsters come out, make sure to build a shelter before that happens." It is an expensive app $6.99, but my son spends hours in this virtual sandbox!
Monster Life - Raise, train and fight along with the cutest and fiercest monsters ever and embark on a thrilling adventure to save the world of Numa!
Skylanders Battlegrounds - Skylanders is a video game craze that has now found its place in the iworld! Skylanders Battlegrounds is an action packed adventure where you can play with two Skylanders at the same time. Unlock new powers and weapons to help you in the battle against Kaos and his warlords. You can connect a portal using bluetooth technology or use the codes that come with your skylander's characters and enter them to unlock your skylander collection. This is also a $6.99 app that has been on sale for $4.99 for the last month.
So after all this battling and creating fictional worlds I pushed him to tell me something educational, he came up with Waldo... lol!
Waldo - Like the famous book.... you search for Waldo through the app. There is a free lite version and the full version that my son loves is $1.99!
Where’s Waldo? The Fantastic Journey is the ultimate search and find adventure for all ages, as players scour the virtual globe in search of Waldo and his friends Wizard Whitebeard, Wenda and Woof, and Waldo foe, Odlaw. In addition, there are hundreds of cleverly camouflaged items to find within the 12 different magical worlds.
I guess when vacation is over and we are all back in "school mode", I'll have to ask "my firsties" what their top 5 apps are!