January is bucket filling month in my grade one classroom. All month long we have been talking about how to treat other people and how to make others feel good. We have been recognizing and acknowledging the things people do or say to make us feel good each day. We are bucket fillers! If you've never heard of this idea before, check out the link. It's a perfect way to explain our feelings to young kids!
To conclude our unit, I wanted to interview the kids with some very specific questions to see what they learned about bucket filling. I shared this idea with our school counsellor and she asked if she could use the video for a school wide anti-bullying assembly. The pressure was on, so I had to prompt for some more specific answers to get the details we needed. In the end I think my informal interview turned out well.
I used the sonic pics app. It was very easy to use. I was able to add photos quickly from all my idevices using the icloud photo stream. We also took a few photos and screen shots of the books and our favorite videos. Lots of ipad learning of skills going on there!!!!
Once we had the photos in place, I called the kids 2 at a time to be interviewed. They rehearsed their answers with me before speaking into the record button. ***** This was important because the biggest flaw in the app is a mistake in the recording causes you to have to start the recording over!
We were able to easily add photos to our project. We were also able to rearrange the photos with ease. We finished the product in about 30 minutes!!!!! It was very easy to share. There were options to share to any computer on the same network, share to you tube, or share to the photo stream on the ipad. The option to email was also there, but our file was too large.
I definitely have a few more things I want to find out about the app, like saving and working on it again later. But for now, I am impressed. I have a few more ideas of how I am going to use this app in the coming weeks. It is definitely easy enough for kids to do on their own with a little training!
Here is our finished product!