Thursday, August 22, 2013

Best K-3 apps

It's that time again..... school supplies are flying off the school shelves, the mornings are a little cooler and the drive inn starts at 9:45 (which means that sun has set pretty early in this northern town).   That little voice in the back of my head is telling me to start thinking about school but I have not let my foot step through my classroom door just yet.  How can I when we are finally getting the long awaited summer heat wave?!?!

I have let myself surf pinterest for some new ideas as well as all my favorite blogs.  I have stumbled upon some GREAT new finds!  I have ALWAYS loved Mrs. Malchow and I just have to share her fabulous post about her presentation of amazing K-3 apps.

Most of the apps are not new to me, but it is a great reminder of what I need to reinstall on my class ipads to prepare for my new batch of "firsties"!  That is going to be a huge job in itself since somehow this summer so many apps were deleted to make room for movies (to last the 8 hour vacation drive), candy crush (to support my addiction) and minecraft (to keep my kiddos quiet while they sat in the house during our 2 week cold spell).  

They are all there in my purchased folder - along with all my great new finds from Free App Fridays just waiting for this teacher to get back to work and get organizing.  This blog post was a start - the rest will happen on the next rainy day, or next week, whichever comes first!  



Sara said...

Wow! Thanks for the kind words and the link back to my site! Have a fantastic school year!

Sara said...

I would love to get the last apps , my mom just bought a new ipad and i am installing apps all the time but sometimes i don't really understand all the new things that ios 7 bring to us